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How do you cook your own meals every day?
How do you cook your own meals every day with roommates in mind and a full-time job? I can’t answer this from experience alone because my full-time job is a lot more flexible than most, but also because it’s not as lucrative as a regular job. I’m an artist and writer by passion. Additionally, it…
How to survive dysmenorrhea? (Part 1)
A younger version of myself would’ve never thought to ask, how to survive dysmenorrhea? I was young when I had my first experience with menstruation, and unsurprisingly, I didn’t rely much on anyone to tell me how things should be done. I just winged it until I could no longer. Something I never thought deeply…
What’s it like to live alone at 31 with anxiety for the first time?
I live alone at 31 for the first time. Back in the beginning of September, I dog and house-sat for my sister and her boyfriend. I used to live with the dog, Pansy, and understood the task. I also understood that my sister was doing me this favor after I basically had a mental breakdown…
Why does my art get worse over time?
Why does my art get worse over time? Why does it feel as if the hurdle I’ve jumped over a million times feels higher? Why does making art get more complicated the more I do it? I have questions after a week-long focusing on Inktober 2023. Whenever I begin to draw again, I feel the…
What Do You Do When You’ve Become Hyperaware?
Seriously, asking for a friend- how to deal when you’ve become hyperaware? No one walks you through the ins and outs of your traumas, but we all need a friend or two who’s there when we eventually stumble about. When I was 23 years old, I was studying to become a game designer. It was…
Why is our (emotional) mental health important?
Our mental health is more important than ever. Despite advocating for self-love in the past eight years, I still feel burnt out to practice what I preach. I’d press restart on life, but that’s impossible. We can’t relive our pasts hoping to change it. The worst part about having depression and anxiety is wondering if…